
FIM+ Fact Sheet V2.2

FIM+ Fact Sheet V2.2

Unveil the power of FIM+® V2.2 with the latest release! Swift defense against ransom attacks, reinforced Zero Trust foundations, seamless integration, improved recovery, and compliance assurance. Elevate cybersecurity resilience with cutting-edge features.

FIM+ v2.2 with Early Warning

FIM+ v2.2 with Early Warning

MainTegrity's FIM+ V2.2 introduces Early Warning Package, enhancing cyber defense with continuous monitoring, behavior analytics, and rapid attack response. A significant advancement in digital security.

Augmenting Immutable Backups

Augmenting Immutable Backups

FIM+ introduces a backup selection feature, aligning attack detection with backup data. Easily restore the latest, uncompromised mainframe copy, streamlining recovery for software infrastructure and databases.

Case Study - Financial Services

Case Study - Financial Services

A large Financial Services company needed to improve cyber resiliency on their mainframe systems. They knew immutable backups were highly useful for recovering active databases, but they worried that that they needed