Combatting Insider Threats
MainTegrity FIM+ allows mainframe customers to detect and recover from attacks launched by insiders.
MainTegrity FIM+ allows mainframe customers to detect and recover from attacks launched by insiders.
Have FIM+ create compliance and operational reports automatically to save redundant effort
Uncover hidden mainframe vulnerabilities: time bombs, malicious activity, APF authorization. Learn the role of early warning systems and integrity monitoring for robust cybersecurity in z/OS. Achieve Zero Trust architecture.
Effortlessly restore infrastructure and user data post-cyber attack using FIM+ Recovery Assist, leveraging Dell snapsets for precise, efficient recovery. Elevate your cyber defense with File Integrity Monitoring tailored for Dell snapset support.
MainTegrity® FIM+ elevates major airline's PCI/DSS compliance, enhancing detection accuracy, and providing weekly automated reports for swift incident resolution.
Discover the future with MainTegrity FIM+ as it aligns with IBM Z Security, emphasizing PCI/DSS compliance and offering advanced file integrity monitoring for z/OS systems.
Secure your data with IBM's SafeGuarded Copy (SGC) and FIM+. FIM+ improves recovery speed, monitors backups, and detects malicious activities in real-time for enhanced cyber resiliency
Preventing operational disruptions due to unintentional errors is as crucial as guarding against malicious attacks. Mistakes by authorized users, hard to detect, can be just as disruptive. Current policies aim to minimize errors, but they still occur.